Bloomberg Data License Per Security User Manual

Bloomberg Data License.Per Security Product. Bloomberg Data License User Manual or Documentation, the government hereby agrees that this software or To connect to Bloomberg Data License, add these JAR files to. Bloomberg Data License - Per Security Product Manual. BLOOMBERG L.P. This manual is for informational purposes only, and does not constitute. 03 // 04 BLOOMBERG DATA LICENSE With Bloomberg Data License, every function and system across your firm can use exactly the same data–in the front.

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2 Data License Web Services.. 0 Preface: About this Document.. 5 Purpose.. 5 Audience.. 5 Conventions Used..5 Font..5 Terminology.. 5 Overview of DLWS..6 Introduction.. 6 Supported Platforms and Languages.. 6 Platforms.. 6 Programming Languages..6 Specifications..6 Architecture.. 7 Application Development.. 8 Pre-Requisites.. 8 Authentication..9 WSDL.. 9 Tools to Assist in Development.. 9 Sample Code.. 9 Account Settings & Limits Linked Accounts Product Limits The DLWS Product Per Security Web Service Header 12 Data Items (Fields) Securities Wildcards (Macros)..28 Macrotypes Macro Overrides..30 Security Types..32 Secondary Qualifiers Macro Return Codes: Responses..44 Get Corrections..46 Overrides..48 Get Fields..53 Get Data..57 Instrument Level Status Codes Applicable getdata header options..58 submitgetdatarequest Request submitgetdatarequest Sample Request submitgetdatarequest Response submitgetdatarequest Sample Response retrievegetdataresponse Request retrievegetdataresponse Sample Request retrievegetdataresponse Sample Response

3 retrievegetdataresponse Sample Response Special Characters..63 Single Point History..63 Overrides Response Level Status Codes Bulk Fields Bulk Field Sample Bond Quote Composite..67 BVAL Prices in Data License What is BVAL?..69 BVAL via Data License..69 BVAL Header Options..69 BVAL Tier BVAL Tier BVAL via Standard PCS Request..71 BVAL Header Options BVAL Field Sets / Macros Historical BVAL Prices..75 Get History..75 Single-Point History..76 Historical Pricing Fields..77 BVAL Return Codes. 78 Get History Instrument Level Return Codes Applicable Get History Request Options Get History Fields Performance..85 submitgethistoryrequest Request submitgethistoryrequest Sample Request submitgethistoryrequest Response submitgethistoryrequest Sample Response retrievegethistory Request retrievegethistoryresponse Sample Request retrievegethistoryresponse Response retrievegethistoryresponse Sample Response Get Quotes..92 Instrument Level Return Codes Applicable Get Quotes Request Options Performance..93 submitgetquotesrequest Request submitgetquotesrequest Sample Request submitgetquotesrequest Response submitgetquotesrequest Sample Response retrievegetquotesresponse Request retrievegetquotesresponse Sample Request retrievegetquotesresponse Response retrievegetquotesresponse Sample Response Get Allquotes

4 Instrument Level Return Codes Applicable Getallquotes Request Options Performance..99 submitgetallquotesrequest Request submitgetallquotesrequest Sample Request submitgetallquotesrequest Response submitgetallquotesrequest Sample Response retrievegetallquotesresponse Request retrievegetallquotesresponse Sample Request retrievegetallquotesresponse Response retrievegetquotesresponse Sample Response Get Company Instrument Level Return Codes Applicable Get Company Request Options Field Set Macro submitgetcompanyrequest Request submitgetcompanyrequest Sample Request submitgetcompanyrequest Response submitgetcompanyrequest Sample Response retrievegetcompanyresponse Request retrievegetcompanyresponse Sample Request retrievegetcompanyresponse Response retrievegetcompanyresponse Sample Response submitgetcompanyrequest Sample Request, including Field Sets retrievegetcompanyresponse Sample Request, including Field Sets Get Actions Instrument Level Return Codes Applicable GetActions Request Options submitgetactionrequest Request submitgetactionsrequest Sample Request submitgetactionsrequest Response submitgetactionsrequest Sample Response retrievegetactionsresponse Request retrievegetactionsresponse Sample Request retrievegetactionsresponse Sample Response retrievegetactionsresponse Sample Response Get Fundamentals Key Features Program Specific Header Options Security Level Overrides Instrument Level Return Codes submitgetfundamentalsrequest Request submitgetfundamentalsrequest Sample Request submitgetfundamentalsrequest Response submitgetfundamentalsrequest Sample Response retrievegetfundamentalsresponse Request retrievegetfundamentalsresponse Sample Request

5 retrievegetfundamentalsresponse Sample Response retrievegetactionsresponse Sample Response Scheduled Requests submitscheduledrequest Sample Request submitscheduledrequest Sample Response retrievescheduledresponse Sample Request retrievescheduledresponse Sample Response Canceling Scheduled Requests submitcancelrequest Sample Request submitcancelrequest Sample Response retrievecancelresponse Sample Request retrievecancelresponse Sample Response Bloomberg Identifiers Appendix A: Frequently Asked Questions Appendix B: Best Practices Appendix C: Sample Index Symbols Appendix D: Lookup Tables submitgetdatarequest Sample Request retrievegetdataresponse Sample Response Production Support and Technical Assistance North America Europe, Africa, Middle East Mexico, Central & South America Australia Japan Singapore Hong Kong Data Support

6 5 Preface: About this Document Purpose This document introduces Data License Web Services and serves as a guide for customers interested in using the Data License Web Services Product. Audience This technical document is intended for use by Bloomberg customers and prospects interested in learning more about this new class of service being offered under Data License Web Services. Specifically, it is appropriate for technical project managers, database experts, network administrators, and software developers at customer sites who wish to understand the integration process. Conventions Used Font Text that represents code is bold and monospaced (Courier New). Te rm inology Term DL DLWS Client Internet Provisioning SOAP WSDL Definition Bloomberg Data License provides Enterprise level access to Bloomberg s reference data products Data License Web Services provide a programmatic interface to a subset of Bloomberg s data for use in client applications A Java,.Net or C/C++ based application that runs on the customer s network and consumes DLWS data The public internet as opposed to Bloomberg s private IP network The process by which a new customer account is created by Bloomberg. This includes assigning customer account identification and privileging clients for DLWS products. Simple Object Access Protocol. SOAP is an XML-based protocol used for the exchange of information over the web. Web Services Description Language. WSDL is an XML-based language used to describe web services. Specifically, it describes how to access the service and what operations are available.

7 Overview of DLWS 6 Introduction Data License Web Services (DLWS) provide a programmatic interface to Bloomberg s reference data for use in client applications. DLWS is a middle-of-the-road solution in Bloomberg's Data Services product line. The Data License products allow clients to obtain a wide selection of data for a portfolio of securities. Client applications can subscribe to streaming price data in real-time with Bloomberg's broadcast solution, the B-Pipe. However, B- Pipe does not allow clients to access Bloomberg's world-class reference data. DLWS allow client applications to obtain reference data and pricing data for a reasonable-size basket of securities with lowlatency (subject to exchange permissions). Supported Platforms and Languages The Bloomberg DLWS is architecture agnostic and consumers of the data may run on any platform provided SOAP and XML processing libraries exist. Client-side code has been tested with the following programming languages and on the following platforms. Platforms W indows XP R e d H a t L i n u x 9 S u n S o l a r i s 2. 4 I B M A I X P r ogra m mi ng La ngua ges Java (1.5) C# (Windows XP & Microsoft.NET runtime) While the system will probably work on any number of platforms and with different programming languages than those listed above, Bloomberg does not actively test with them and support may be limited. Specifications The specifications listed below are used in Data License Web Services: W SI Basic Profile 1.1 SOAP 1.1 WSDL 1.1 HTTP 1.1

8 7 Architecture The following diagram is useful for understanding the high level architecture of DLWS from a client s perspective. The bottom section of the diagram represents the Bloomberg network where Data License Web Services is deployed. The top portion represents the internet including the client s network. In step 1, the client makes an HTTPS connection to retrieve the WSDL. Toolkits are available to generate proxy code from the WSDL. In step 2, client applications developed in Java,.Net or C make a secure connection over HTTPS to consume DLWS via request/response SOAP messages.

9 8 Application Development Pre-Requisites To integrate and obtain data from DLWS, the following items are needed: Requirement Description Purpose Bloomberg Provisioning for DLWS products JDK 1.5 JVM (For Java) Toolkit for Web Services development Client Development Security certificate keystore The customer must be first provisioned by Bloomberg to request DLWS products. This step involves creating a unique customer account number, privileging the account for the desired products and issuing an x509 security certificate. Java based clients must install the latest JVM that is distributed with JDK1.5. Although the service is compatible with earlier versions of JDK. Install a toolkit for use in development of client applications. See section on application development. A client application must be developed using the contract defined by the WSDL. Sample client programs are provided for reference purpose. Install the certificate keystore, which is a binary file provided by Bloomberg, at a known directory. The customer account number will be used by Bloomberg for metering and billing purposes. Privileging the account will allow the client to choose the products for which to receive data. The certificate will be used for client authentication and authorization. Java clients will execute on this runtime environment for consuming Data License Web Services. A toolkit can be used to generate proxy code to call web services. This client will be used to connect to the server and consume DLWS. The keystore is a binary file that contains the private and public encryption keys used to authenticate client connections and establish a secure channel with the DLWS service.

10 9 Authentication As a consumer of the web service, a customer must obtain a signed X.509 v3 certificate to authenticate. Bloomberg will issue this certificate in the PKCS12 format, specifying certain account information in the Company Name. This process can be coordinated with your Sales Representative when you activate your DLWS account. Once you have a signed certificate, you can connect to the web service. Connecting over HTTPS involves a two-way handshake, in which you must verify the server and the server must verify you. WSDL Bloomberg DLWS publishes its API through Web Services Description Language (WSDL) documents. The URL current DLWS products is follows: URL Per Security Access to DLWS WSDL requires authentication via the same Bloomberg signed certificate discussed above. The IP addresses of the host are listed in Appendix E. Tool s to Assist i n Development Toolkits are available for various programming languages that can be used to quickly develop applications to consume DLWS. Tools provided by the toolkit of your choice can be used to generate stub code from a WSDL. However, for more flexibility and possibly better performance, lower-level API calls can also be used when writing a web service client. In the sample Java client provided by Bloomberg, the wscompile tool (available with Su s Java Web Services Development Pack) is utilized to generate proxy code. Sample Code Bloomberg provides sample client code for customers to use as a starting point for writing applications. Currently, Bloomberg provides code in Java and C#.NET. Sample client packages can be provided upon request. Please note that Bloomberg is providing this code as an example for clients to build their applications. Bloomberg LP makes no guarantees as to the production quality of the sample code.

11 10 Account Settings & Limits Linked Accounts DLWS clients whose firms subscribe to the BLOOMBERG PROFESSIONAL service have the option of linking their data license account to their BLOOMBERG terminal to take advantage of personal defaults (for example, third party pricing for fixed income). This can be hard-coded for a permanent link by contacting our technical support desk, or this can be done on a case-by-case basis by amending the request header. To link to a terminal, the following lines need to be added to the header: <ns:usernumber>?</ns:usernumber> <ns:ws>?</ns:ws> <ns:sn>?</ns:sn> A customer can locate the numbers needed above by entering IAM <GO> on the BLOOMBERG PROFESSIONAL service. The number after User is the USERNUMBER. The first part of the number following S/N: (before the hyphen is the SN and the second part of S/N: (after the hyphen) is the WS number. If linking to a BBA (Bloomberg Anywhere) terminal, only the USERNUMBER should be included in the header of the request. Including SN and WS could negatively impact the processing of the request. Note: If you receive the following return in your output, please contact your account representative for assistance: # SN and/or user number not in the same firm as dlxxxxxx Product Limits Product limits exist to prevent abuse. Each DLWS operation may have a Bloomberg imposed limit as to the number of data elements a client can request in a given billing cycle. Once this number is reached, client requests for that product will not be serviced until limits are reset at the start of the following billing cycle. Requests made for products that are over limit will return with an account limit exceeded status code.

12 11 The DLWS Product Bloomberg offers the Per Security product though Data License Web Services. Clients should consider the requirements of their applications when deciding to consume Web Services. Max number of securities per request 5000 Asynchronous Response time Asynchronous an initial request is made to request data. The client will make subsequent requests to retrieve the response. Response time will vary based on the number of securities, the number and types of fields, and other factors. Max number of fields per request 500 Method of specifying fields Quote Composite Data (BOND_QUOTE_COMP) Overrides Macros Historical Data Third Party Data Limits Scheduled requests Fields are passed as part of each request for data. Available. Overrides can be specified differently for each security in the request. Available. See documentation for details. Available in the form of historical fields in fields.csv and through Get History. See documentation for details. Clients configured to receive unlimited data from the exchange can download third party data. Additionally, clients configured to retrieve a set number of securities can retrieve the appropriate third party data before being blocked. Third party data charges continue to apply. Available scheduling options are daily, weekday, weekend, weekly, and monthly.

13 12 Per Security Web Service The Data License Per Security Product allows a customer to access financial information on a per security basis. Customers can shape a request to meet their information needs and submit it to Bloomberg through a variety of methods. Bloomberg processes these requests and makes the information available for retrieval. This is a very flexible, effective, and timely way to access Bloomberg data. Bloomberg data is divided into five field types: Security Master or Fundamental descriptive data, End of Day Prices, Derived data, Credit Risk data and Historical Time series data. The Per Security Web Service (PSWS) is a web service interface to the Per Security product. Currently much of the functionality of the Get Data, Get History, and Get Company programs of the traditional Per Security product is supported. Header The following table contains variables or header options that may appear in the header section of request. The second column, Program Names, lists the program(s, to which the header options apply; if all programs is the return, this indicates getdata, gethistory, getticks, getallticks, getquotes, getallquotes and scheduled. The third column gives the default value for each header option. The fourth and fifth columns indicate which variables are required and which are optional for the two types of request mechanisms. Each header option is described in more detail below. Header options must be entered into the request in upper case. Bloomberg Data License may insert comments into the header section of a reply at any time. Header Option Program name Default Optional ACTIONS getactions all optional ACTIONS_DATE getactions entry optional ADJUSTED getfundamentals yes optional CLOSINGVALUES getdata no optional 2 CONSOLIDATED getfundamentals Yes optional CREDITRISK getcompany No default required DATEFORMAT getdata mmddyyyy optional DATERANGE gethistory, getcompany No default optional DATETIMERANGE getquotes, getallquotes No default optional DERIVED getdata no optional 2 DIFFFLAG getdata no optional DISPLAYQRMDATE getquotes, getallquotes no optional ESTIMATES getdata no optional EXCLUSIVE_PRICING_SRC getdata, gethistory no optional

14 13 Header Option Program name Default Optional FUNDAMENTALS Getdata No optional HIST_CRNCY getdata, gethistory no optional HIST_PERIOD gethistory Smallest period optional HIST_OPTION gethistory No default optional LOGIN All programs No optional PORTSECDES getdata, gethistory No default Optional PRICING_SOURCE getdata, gethistory optional PROGRAMFLAG All programs (except one-shot optional scheduled) PRP getdata, gethistory No default optional QUOTECOMPOSITE getdata no optional 2 QUOTECOMPOSITEHIST getdata No default optional RUNDATE All programs Today optional SECID All programs (except No default 3 optional scheduled) SECMASTER getdata no optional 2 SN All programs No default optional SPECIALCHAR getdata decimal optional TICKADJUSTDATE getquotes, getallquotes no optional TICKEXCHLENGTH getquotes, getallquotes 1 optional TICKLOCALTZ getquotes, getallquotes no optional TICKOUTPUTTZ getquotes, getallquotes Account timezone optional TIME All programs No default optional USERNUMBER All programs No default optional VERSION All programs (except No default optional scheduled) WS All programs No default optional YELLOWKEY All programs (except scheduled) No default optional 1 For a list of valid values for SECID, please see Header Section. 2 The header options CLOSINGVALUES, DERIVED, QUOTECOMPOSITE, SECMASTER or HISTORICAL must be selected for getdata requests from their respective categories, otherwise N.S. (Not Subscribed) will be returned instead of data. They need not be selected if data from the category type they represent is not requested.

15 14 ACTIONS (optional) - This only applies to the getactions program. This can be used as a filter to request only certain actions or categories of actions. <ns:actions> <!--Zero or more repetitions:--> <ns:action>?</ns:action> </ns:actions> For example, it is possible to request a single action type, such as ACQUISITIONS. It is also possible to request a category of actions along with a single action from another category like Distributions and Mergers. For a list of corporate actions, and categories see the Corporate Actions Reference Guide. ACTIONS_DATE (optional) - This flag only applies to the getactions program. This option allows customers to request corporate actions based on different dates. <ns:actions_ date>?</ns:actions_ date> Valid values: entry - The date the corporate action was entered into the Bloomberg database. If DATERANGE is not used, the system will look for actions entered into the database during the previous 24 hours. This is the default value. effective - The effective date of the corporate action. If DATERANGE is not used, this will default to the current day. both - This incorporates both the entry and effective options. ADJUSTED (optional) This only applies to the getfundamentals program. Provides the ability to request fundamental data that is adjusted for corporate actions such as stock splits, stock dividends, and rights offerings. <ns:adjusted>true</ns:adjusted> for adjusted fundamentals and <ns:adjusted>false</ns:adjusted> for non-adjusted fundamentals. The fields that will be affected are per share fields such as (IS_EPS:Earnings Per Share) or dividend fields such as (EQY_DPS Dividends Per Share). CLOSINGVALUES (optional) This option (<ns:closingvalues>true</ns:closingvalues>) only applies to the getdata program. It allows customers to request data via fields from the End of Day Pricing category. If <ns:secmaster>true</ns:secmaster> is already in the headers section, this option need not be selected. If neither SECMASTER nor CLOSINGVALUES is selected, a getdata request will return N.S. for an End of Day Pricing field. CONSOLIDATED (optional) This only applies to the getfundamentals program. <ns:consolidated>true</ns:consolidated> is for consolidated and <ns:consolidated>false</ns:consolidated> is for non-consolidated data. For Parent only companies, the Parent data will be returned when CONSOLIDATED=yes is in the request. CREDITRISK This header (<ns:creditrisk>true</ns:creditrisk>) is required for the getcompany program.

16 15 This is optional for the getdata program. <ns:creditrisk>true</ns:creditrisk> will allow clients to obtain company level credit risk data via the getdata program. Credit Risk fields that are available via the getdata program can be found in getfields where Data License Category is Credit Risk. CURRENCY (optional) This option is for the getfundamentals program. It allows users to specify the currency of the fundamental data. The default currency will be as per the company/securities default currency indicated by <ns:currency>? </ns:currency> DATEFORMAT (optional) - <ns:dateformat>?</ns:dateformat > controls the format of dates. It defaults to mmddyyyy. There are fourteen optional formats available: mmddyy 04/28/00 yyddmm 00/28/04 mmyydd 04/00/28 ddmmyy 28/04/00 yyyyddmm 2000/28/04 mmyyyydd 04/2000/28 yyyymmdd yymmdd 00/04/28 ddyymm 28/00/04 mmddyyyy 04/28/2000 yyyy/mm/dd 2000/04/28 ddyyyymm 28/2000/04 dd-mmm-yy 28-Apr-00 ddmmyyyy 28/04/2000 DATERANGE (optional) - This option allows control over the date range used for securities in the getactions, getticks, getallticks, getquotes, getallquotes, getfundamenetals, and gethistory programs. The possible uses of this header option are as follows: Specification format: <ns:daterange> <ns:period> <ns:start>?</ns:start> <ns:end>?</ns:end> </ns:period> </ns:daterange> or <ns:daterange> <ns:duration> <ns:days>?</ns:days> </ns:duration> </ns:daterange> The first usage has a start and end date specified in the format of yyyy-mm-dd. The second usage specifies the actual number of days (not business days) from the current date. The default is to use <ns:days>0</ns:days>; data will be returned for the current day. DATETIMERANGE (optional) This option allows control over the date and time range used for securities in the getquotes and getallquotes programs. This option is limited to a single calendar day (i.e. 00:00-23:59). DATETIMERANGE and DATERANGE are mutually exclusive header options. Specification format: <ns:datetimerange>

17 <ns:startdatetime>?</ns:startdatetime> <ns:enddatetime>?</ns:enddatetime> <ns:region>?</ns:region> <ns:dst>?</ns:dst> </ns:datetimerange> 16 Both startdatetime and enddatetime take in xs:datetime objects, specified as yyyy-mmddthh:mm:ss. Region can be specified either as a TZDF number, or in the cases of New York, London, or Tokyo as NY, LO, or TO respectively. By default, daylight savings time (DST) is observed for dates in the daylight savings time period. To specify times in standard time for a date where DST is observed, set dst to false. This is the only situation where the dst option has any effect. DERIVED (optional) This option only applies to the getdata program, and allows customers to request data via fields from the Derived Data category. Without <ns:derived>true</ns:derived> in the headers section, a getdata request for Derived Data fields will return N.S. DIFFFLAG (optional) - <ns:diffflag>?</ns:diffflag> controls the Bloomberg output being sent back to the customer. It is applicable to scheduled responses (see the PROGRAMFLAG variable later in this section) using the getdata program ONLY. Bloomberg can send only the changes from the previous reply. DIFFFLAG defaults to no and has the following valid values: false - This means that all output (unmodified) will be sent to the customer. true The reponse generated will contain the output of the UNIX diff utility. In cases where something has changed, this diff will provide full records from the previous reply and the current reply. New securities will be apparent, as there will be no previous record. Deleted securities will be apparent, as there will be no current security. The customer can reconstruct the current reply response by combining the previous responses with the changes that Bloomberg has sent. Bloomberg only recommends this option if users are familiar with the UNIX diff utility and are confident they can reconstruct the response. Smaller The output retrieved will be compared against the most recently generated data using the UNIX diff utility and the smaller of the two responses ( the current response and the diff ed output) is returned changes - As with the yes option, the UNIX diff utility will be used to compare the previous responses to the current response. In this case, the response sent to the customer will contain only additional securities and securities that have received an update. The full record of each security will be sent. Deletes will not be represented. DISPLAY_PRICING_SRC (optional) This option is available in gethistory for Corp, Pfd, Govt, Muni and Mtge securities. If this option is used, the PRICING_SOURCE will be returned in the output. For example: <ns:display_pricing_src>?</ns: display_pricing_src > DISPLAYQRMDATE (optional) This option is available for getquotes and getallquotes. This option controls the date for each tick. Set to true, the date will mirror the trade dates on the QR/QRM functions on the BLOOMBERG PROFESSIONAL service. For example:

18 <ns:displayqrmdate>true</ns:displayqrmdate > 17 ESTIMATES (optional) This option is available for getdata and needs to be set to true in order for Bloomberg Estimates (BEst) and Bloomberg Dividend Forcast (BDVD) fields to populate. These fields are assigned a Data License Category of Estimates. EXCLUSIVE_PRICING_SRC (optional) This option applies to bonds requested via the getdata and gethistory programs, and allows an exclusive pricing source to be designated when using a PRICING_SOURCE override. If the exclusive source is not available, all fields in the End of Day Pricing and Derived Data field categories will return N.A. for that security. Return code 989 will be returned if the client is not privileged to see the pricing source requested. When EXCLUSIVE_PRICING_SOURCE is set to true, the header option PRICING_SOURCE must also be set. Security level overrides for PRICING_SOURCE are also respected. Security level overrides will take priority over the header option override when they are used concurrently. The following example will result in prices returning from ONLY the BGN pricing source; where prices from BGN are not available, an N.A. will be returned. <ns:exclusive_pricing_src>true</ns:exclusive_pricing_src> <ns:pricing_source>bgn</ns:pricing_source> FILINGSTATUS (optional) This option applies to the getfundamentals program. It allows the user to select the type of filing required. Options are: Mostrecent for Most Recent (default setting) Prelim for Preliminary Original for Original Restated for Restated ALL for all of the above filing types, Mostrecent, Preliminary, Original, and Restated FUNDAMENTALS (optional) This option applies to the getdata program only and must be set to <ns:fundamentals>true</ns:fundamentals>; Without it being set to true, fields with data category Fundamentals will return N.S. (Please see Data Dictionary to determine field category). HIST_CRNCY (optional) The <ns:hist_crncy>?</ns:hist_crncy> option allows for the specification of a desired currency for history requests. It applies only to historical data and can be used in both the getdata and gethistory programs. It is available for use in the getdata program only with the single-point history fields listed in the Getdata Section. A currency ISO code must be specified. The Bloomberg sub-currency (GBp, ZAr, etc.) codes are not available for use since they are not true ISO codes. This option is not applicable to all securities in all cases. HIST_PERIOD (optional) The <ns:hist_period>?</ns:hist_period> option sets the periodicity of gethistory requests. The default behavior is to provide the smallest period available for the data requested. Possible valid values are daily, weekly (Friday, monthly (last day of month, quarterly (last day of the quarter and yearly (last day of the year). HIST_OPTION (optional) The <ns:hist_option>?</ns:hist_option> option allows users of the gethistory program to retrieve historical averages for the date range and period specified. The only valid value is average. HISTPERIOD must be set to weekly or greater.

19 18 HISTORICAL (optional) - This option is for the getdata program only, and needs to be set to true (<ns:historical>true</ns:historical>) for Historical Time Series fields; otherwise, N.S. will be returned. The following are Historical Time Series fields: MTG_HIST_WAC MTG_HIST_DLQ30 MTG_HIST_DLQ60 MTG_HIST_DLQ90 MTG_HIST_FORECL MTG_HIST_REO MTG_HIST_WAM MTG_HIST_ORIG_AMT MTG_HIST_REM_AMT MTG_HIST_NUM_LOANS MTG_HIST_PREPAY_FRCST_BMED MTG_HIST_COLLAT_BAL MTG_HIST_CPN EQY_DVD_HIST EQY_DVD_HIST_ALL EQY_DVD_HIST_SPLITS EQY_DVD_HIST_GROSS EQY_DVD_ADJUST_FACT EQY_DVD_ADJ_FUND MTG_HIST_FACT MTG_HIST_PREPAY FACTOR_SCHEDULE PERIODICITY (optional) The <ns:periodicity>?</ns:periodicity> option applies to the getfundamentals program. This allows the user to select the fundament periods for the responses. Options are: y returns fundamentals by year (default setting) q returns fundamentals by quarter s returns fundamentals by semi-annual periods a returns all fundamentals periods reported c returns fundamentals by cumulative quarterly PORTSECDES (optional) The <ns:portsecdes>?</ns:portsecdes> option may be used to specify the way in which the security description is returned in the response when a PORTFOLIO macro is used. By default, the data in the field SECURITY_DES is returned in the first column, but when this option is set to adjusted, the identifier is returned as it appears on the Bloomberg in the portfolio. PRICING (optional) The <ns:pricing>?</ns:pricing> option only applies to the getdata program and allows customers to request both Pricing - Intraday and Pricing End of Day data category fields. (Please see the Data Dictionary to determine field category). Without <ns:pricing>true</ns:pricing> in the header, a getdata request for Pricing - Intraday and Pricing End of Day Data fields will return N.S. PRICING_SOURCE (optional) The <ns:pricing_source>?</ns:pricing_source> option may be used to specify a PRICING_SOURCE override rather than overriding individual PRICING_SOURCE in a request. This override will be applied to all securities listed between START OF DATA and END OF DATA. Third party pricing sources may require linking to a privileged BLOOMBERG PROFESSIONALTM terminal. IF there is no pricing source override and the request is not linked to a specific user, then the following Pricing Source hierarchy is used: FixedIncome: Preferreds: Currency: Mtge: Muni: BGN EXCH BGN BGN BFV BFV BGN CMPN EXCH BFV For example, to request the BGN pricing source, set

20 <ns:pricing_source>bgn</ns:pricing_source> 19 PROGRAMFLAG (optional) - This flag determines how often to process the request. There are six values currently available. If this option is not specified, it will default to one-shot. <ns:programflag>oneshot</ns:programflag> - This specifies that the request is to be run one time and one time only. The request is serviced immediately, unless otherwise specified (see TIME and RUNDATE variables). <ns:programflag>daily</ns:programflag> - This specifies that the request is to be processed daily at a certain time (see TIME variable below). <ns:programflag>weekly</ns:programflag> This specifies that the request is to be processed weekly, on the same day of the week the initial request was submitted. Time of day can be selected using the TIME variable. <ns:programflag>monthly</ns:programflag> This specifies that the request is to be processed monthly, on the same day of the month the initial request was submitted. The day of the month can be selected using the RUNDATE variable, and time of day can be specified using the TIME variable. <ns:programflag>weekday</ns:programflag> - This specifies that the request is to be processed on Monday through Friday only. This option can be used in conjunction with TIME and RUNDATE variables, and is valid for all programs. It looks at an account's region (New York, London or Tokyo) in order to base the day on the applicable time zone. <ns:programflag>weekend</ns:programflag> - This specifies that the request is to be processed on Saturday and Sunday only. This option can be used in conjunction with TIME and RUNDATE variables and is valid for all programs. It looks at an account's region in order to base the day on that time zone. If the TIME variable is not used in a scheduled request, the request will immediately process at the time the request is received by Bloomberg, and will thereafter run at 0000 (midnight) of the local region. PROGRAMNAME (optional) - This names the program to be run by Bloomberg. The following are available programs: getdata - This program retrieves various data fields from the database(s) for the specified list of securities. See the Getdata Section for further information. gethistory - This program retrieves various historical data fields from the database(s) for the specified list of securities within the given date range. See the Gethistory Section for further information, including the list of fields available for this program. getquotes - This program returns every last sale (price level at which trades were executed) time stamped with date, hour, minute and second. Bloomberg currently supports a maximum of 3 trading days of tick data in the Getquotes program. See Getquotes Section. getallquotes This program is similar to the getquotes program except that in addition to returning every last sale (price level at which trades were executed), matching ask and bid prices are returned, time stamped with date, hour, minute and second. See Getallquotes Section. getactions - This program retrieves one day s worth of corporate actions for a specified list of securities (and the issuer of these securities). See Getactions Section.

21 20 getcompany This program returns company/entity level data such as industry classification, country of risk, and country of domicile for a given security/company ID. For the full list of fields available via this program, please see crisk_fields.csv. getfundamentals This program returns company fundamental data, both current and historical, with the additional ability to select the periodicity of the data. See Getfundamentals Section. cancel - This program cancels a currently running scheduled request. To cancel, send a second request with ns:responseid equal to that of the scheduled response. scheduled - This program returns a report containing all requests that are currently scheduled. Only the required Header Options noted in the Header Section are needed in a request with PROGRAMNAME set to this value. This is always treated as an oneshot request. PRP (optional) This is the PRP Setup number. The PRP Setup number can be found on the BLOOMBERG PROFESSIONALTM service. Enter PRP <GO> and choose the number of the applicable report, found on the left of the Portfolio Report Table under the column header RUN. This option can be used with or without the PORTFOLIO Macro type described in the Wildcards section. Clients also have the option of requesting additional fields in the <ns:fields> section. The output will return the additional requested fields, along with those from the PRP setup. QUOTECOMPOSITE (optional) This option (<ns:quotecomposite>true </ns:quotecomposite>) only applies to the getdata program. It allows customers to request the BOND_QUOTE_COMP field. Without QUOTE COMPOSITE selected, a request for BOND_QUOTE_COMP will return N.S. QUOTECOMPOSITEHIST (optional) - The <ns:quotecompositehist>?</ns:quotecompositehist> option is for the getdata program only, and needs to be set to true <ns:quotecompositehist>true </ns:quotecompositehist>) for the Historical Bond Quote field (HISTORICAL_BOND_QUOTE) to populate. There are two mandatory overrides that must be used in conjunction with this header option: BOND_QUOTE_COMPOSITE_DATE : This is the date for which bond quote historical prices are to return, format YYYYMMDD. BOND_QUOTE_COMPOSITE_TIME: This is the time for which bond quote historical prices are to return, format HH:MM[:SS] where :SS is an optional parameter. The time is to be specified in the local time of client account region. For accounts linked to a specific Bloomberg Terminal login, the time will be as per the settings on TZDF<GO>. RUNDATE (optional) - This option controls the date on which requests are processed. For requests scheduled with a frequency made available under the PROGRAMFLAG option, RUNDATE specifies the date on which the job will begin. The date cannot be more than seven days in the future. The syntax is <ns:rundate>yyyymmdd</ns:rundate>, where YYYY is the year including century, MM is the month and DD is the day. For example, to start a request on June 15, 2005, set <ns:rundate> </ns:rundate> This option can be used in conjunction with the TIME option. If no TIME is specified, the request will start at 00:00 of the date specified, or immediately if the date is current day. SECID (optional) - This option allows the specification of a default security identifier (see Data

22 21 Items section). If an alternate security identifier is specified for a security, this option is ignored for that security. For example, if the bulk of the securities are being requested by ISIN number, <ns:secid>isin</ns:secid> may be stated in the header and only the ISIN numbers need to be specified in the data section for each record. The security identifier must be one of the following: AUSTRIAN CZECH JAPAN BB_GLOBAL BB_UNIQUE DUTCH LUXEMBOURG BELGIAN EUROCLEAR SEDOL C AT S FRENCH S P A IN CEDEL I R I S H C I N S I S I N VALOREN COMMON_NUMBER I S R AE LI C U S I P W PK (W ertpapier Kenn -Nummer) I T A L Y If the wrong SECID is provided, the response will contain return code 10 (for security not found. If requesting equity securities by their CUSIP identifiers, it must be specified that the identifier being used is a CUSIP. When requesting by TICKER, the market sector must be specified; see YELLOWKEY section below. When both ns:secid and ns:yellowkey options are specified, ns:secid takes precedence. For example, if <ns:secid>cusip</ns:secid> and <ns:yellowkey>mtge </ns:yellowkey>, if CUSIP KD1 is requested, data will be returned even though it is not a Mtge security. The length of a security identifier cannot exceed 32 characters. Therefore the value for <ns:id> and <ns:yellowkey> cannot exceed 32 characters, including spaces. For example: <ns:id>ibm US</ns:id> <ns:yellowkey>equity</ns:yellowkey> =13 characters We do not include SECID in the security identifier count: For example: <ns:id>ibm US</ns:id> <ns:yellowkey>equity</ns:yellowkey> and <ns:secid>ticker</ns:secid>=13 characters

23 SN and WS (optional) - These are the serial and workstation numbers of the BLOOMBERG PROFESSIONALTM service. This information can be found by entering IAM <GO> on the terminal. There are two numbers separated by a - after S/N: The first number (preceding the hyphen) is the serial number. The second number (following the hyphen) is the workstation number. These options are available to customers to link their terminal permissions to an account on a per request basis. 22 SECMASTER (optional) - This option(<ns:secmaster>true</ns:secmaster>)only applies to the getdata program. It allows customers to request data via fields from both the End of Day Pricing and the Security Master categories. Without SECMASTER selected, a request for Security Master data will return N.S. End of Day Pricing should be requested independently with <ns:closingvalues>true</ns:closingvalues>. SPECIALCHAR (optional) - This flag (<ns:specialchar>?</ns:specialchar>) controls the output of fractional and decimal fields. Fractions can be returned in price fields for some securities. SPECIALCHAR defaults to decimal. <ns:specialchar>decimal</ns:specialchar> - ASCII decimals; e.g., one half is represented as.5. <ns:specialchar>fraction</ns:specialchar> - ASCII fractions, e.g., one half is represented as 1/2. TICKEXCHLENGTH (optional) - This option is available for the getquotes and getallquotes programs. Using <ns:tickexchlength>2</ns:tickexchlength> will return a two character exchange code instead of the default, which is a single character exchange code. These two character exchange codes are the same codes returned by equities in the EXCH_CODE field. They are available in two lookup tables - LU_EQY_PRIM_EXCH and LU_COMPOSITE_EXCH_CODE. TICKLOCALTZ This option is available for the getquotes and getallquotes programs. The default for this option is false, and the default time zone is New York. With <ns:ticklocaltz>true</ns:ticklocaltz> in a request, the time zone setting of the client profile linked to the request will determine the time and date returned in the output. TZDF <GO> is the function on the BLOOMBERG ProfessionalTM that controls time zone settings. On a request basis, clients can link in their TZDF profiles via the USERNUMBER option. On an account basis clients can contact technical support and request that a particular UUID be

24 associated with their account. This option will only work with linked requests. The TICKOUTPUTTZ and TICKLOCALTZ are mutually exclusive header options. 23 TICKOUTPUTTZ (optional) This option is available for the getquotes and getallquotes programs. This option determines the time zone of the output received in the response. This setting is independent of the region selected in the DATERANGE and DATETIMERANGE header options. The TICKOUTPUTTZ and TICKLOCALTZ are mutually exclusive header options. By default, ticks are returned in the same time zone as they are requested. TICKOUTPUTTZ will override the region in the DATETIMERANGE setting. DATETIMERANGE controls the time zone of the input and TICKOUTPUTTZ controls the time zone of the output. For example, you can request to download ticks from 09:00:00 to 17:00:00 NY time and have the output displayed in London time. The header for this scenario would look like this: <ns:datetimerange> <ns:startdatetime> t09:00:00</ns:startdatetime> <ns:enddatetime> t17:00:00</ns:enddatetime> <ns:region>ny</ns:region> <ns:tickoutputtz> <ns:timezone>lo</ns:timezone> </ns:tickoutputtz> By default, daylight savings time (DST) is observed for dates in the daylight savings time period. To specify times in standard time for a date where DST is observed, set dst to false. This is the only situation where the dst option has any effect. TIME (optional) - This flag determines the time at which requests are processed. The time will be set according to the local time of the account s sales region - Tokyo, London or New York. If TIME is not specified in a request, it is processed immediately. The format is <ns:time>hhmm</ns:time>, where HH is the hour (00-23) and MM is the minute (00-59). For example, to start a request at 8:35 PM local time, set <ns:time>2035</ns:time>; to start a one-shot request at 3:00 PM, set <ns:time>1500</ns:time>. USERNUMBER (optional) - This is the user number of the BLOOMBERG PROFESSIONALTM service login. To find the USERNUMBER, type IAM <GO> on the terminal; the user number is located after USER: in the upper left-hand side of the screen. This allows customers to link their personal Bloomberg terminal defaults (e.g., fixed income pricing sources) to an account on a per request basis. This option is set by adding <ns:usernumber>?</ns:usernumber> where? is the customer s user number to the headers section of the request. VERSION (optional) - If <ns:version>new</ns:version> is specified, the new beta version of the software will be used to process the request. The new beta version of the software is typically moved in weekly. There may be no changes seen for individual Per Security programs. Please note that if this version of the software is requested, the results will not be as reliable as the production version of the (optional) - Please see the SN and WS option description above YELLOWKEY (optional) - This option specifies a default market sector (i.e. Govt, Corp, Equity, etc.) that will be used with the security descriptions. If a market sector description is already

25 24 appended to the security in the data section, the given value for this option will be ignored. This option is selected by adding <ns:yellowkey>?</ns:yellowkey> to the headers section of the request where? is one of the following: G o v t C o r p M t g e M - Mk t M u n i Pfd E q u i t y C o m d t y I n d e x C u r n c y Market sectors are case-sensitive and must be entered as above. When both ns:secid and ns:yellowkey options are specified, ns:secid takes precedence. For example, if <ns:secid>cusip</ns:secid> and <ns:yellowkey>mtge </ns:yellowkey>, if CUSIP KD1 is requested, data will be returned even though it is not a Mtge security/. The length of a security identifier cannot exceed 32 characters. Therefore the value for <ns:id> and <ns:yellowkey> cannot exceed 32 characters, including spaces. For example: <ns:id>ibm US</ns:id> <ns:yellowkey>equity</ns:yellowkey> =13 characters We do not include SECID in the security identifier count: For example: <ns:id>ibm US</ns:id> <ns:yellowkey>equity</ns:yellowkey> and <ns:secid>ticker</ns:secid>=13 characters

26 25 Data I tems ( Fi el ds) Fields must be listed as follows: <ns:fields> <!-- One or more repetitions --> <ns:field>field Mnemonic</ns:field> </ns:fields> A maximum of 500 fields can be specified in any request. Example: <ns:fields> <ns:field>px_last</ns:field> <ns:field>id_bb_unique</ns:field> </ns:fields> Pricing Source Third party pricing sources are available via Per Security, however they may require linking to a privileged BLOOMBERG PROFESSIONAL terminal. Please see page 14 for details on linking. IF there is no pricing source override and the request is not linked to a specific user, then the following Pricing Source hierarchy is used: FixedIncome: Preferreds: Currency: Mtge: Muni: BGN EXCH BGN BGN BFV BFV BGN CMPN EXCH BFV

27 26 Securities Securities must be listed as follows: <ns:instruments> <!-- One or more repetitions --> <ns:instrument> <ns:id>security Identifier</ns:id> <! Optional Yellow Key --> <ns:yellowkey>?</ns:yellowkey> <! Optional Security Identifier Type--> <ns:type>?</ns:type> </ns:instrument> </ns:instruments> There is a maximum of 5,000 securities per request. <ns:id>: required. <ns:yellowkey>: This is optional, but recommended. Processing will be faster if a market sector is specified since Bloomberg will know which security database to search first. Market sector must be one of the standard Bloomberg market sectors specified previously in the Header Section under the YELLOWKEY header description. <type >: must be one of the identifiers specified previously under the SECID header description. It is also possible to identify securities using security descriptions such as Ticker/Coupon/Maturity or Ticker/Exchange; in these cases, the market sector (yellow key) must be specified. Some security identifiers apply to multiple securities from multiple exchanges. It is possible to specify the security desired by adding exchange code. *Note: It is important to have two of the above three parameters. <ns:instruments> <!--# Intel Corp--> <ns:instrument> <ns:id>us US</ns:id> <ns:type>isin</ns:type> </ns:instrument> <ns:instrument> <ns:id>us US</ns:id> <ns:yellowkey>equity</ns:yellowkey> <ns:type>isin</ns:type> </ns:instrument> <ns:instrument> <ns:id>intc US</ns:id> <ns:yellowkey>equity</ns:yellowkey> </ns:instrument> <!--# T14 11/15/11 Corp--> <ns:instrument> <ns:id> </ns:id> <ns:type>valoren</ns:type> </ns:instrument>

28 27 <ns:instrument> <ns:id> </ns:id> <ns:yellowkey>govt</ns:yellowkey> <ns:type>valoren</ns:type> </ns:instrument> <ns:instrument> <ns:id>t14 11/15/11</ns:id> <ns:yellowkey>govt</ns:yellowkey> </ns:instrument> </ns:instruments> Comment lines can be included in Requests. Comment lines <!-- will be ignored in processing and be devliered in the same positions in the responses.

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Bloomberg Terminal
Developer(s)Bloomberg L.P.
Operating systemMicrosoft Windows
Other systems (using Citrix Receiver)
TypeElectronic trading
Financial software
WebsiteOfficial website

The Bloomberg Terminal is a computer software system provided by the financial data vendorBloomberg L.P. that enables professionals in the financial service sector and other industries to access the Bloomberg Professional service through which users can monitor and analyze real-time financial market data and place trades on the electronic trading platform.[1] The system also provides news, price quotes, and messaging across its proprietary secure network. It is well-known among the financial community for its black interface, which is not optimized for user experience but has become a recognizable trait of the service.[2]

Most large financial firms have subscriptions to the Bloomberg Professional service. Many exchanges charge their own additional fees for access to real time price feeds across the terminal. The same applies to various news organizations.

All Bloomberg Terminals are leased in two-year cycles (in the late 1990s and early 2000s, three-year contracts were an option), with leases originally based on how many displays were connected to each terminal (this predated the move to Windows-based application). Most Bloomberg setups have between two and six displays. It is available for an annual fee of $20,000 per user ($25,080 per year for the small number of firms that use only one terminal).[3] As of October 2016, there were 325,000 Bloomberg Terminal subscribers worldwide.[4]

  • 4Terminal and related products


Sales from the Bloomberg terminal account for more than 85 percent of Bloomberg L.P.'s annual revenue.[5] The financial data vendor's proprietary computer system starts at $22,500 per user per year.


A Bloomberg terminal with a multi-monitor set-up composed of six screens.

The terminal implements a client-server architecture with the server running on a multiprocessor Unix platform. The client, used by end users to interact with the system, is a Windows application that typically connects directly through a router provided by Bloomberg and installed on-site. End users can also make use of an extra service (Bloomberg Anywhere) to allow the Windows application to connect via internet/IP, or Web access via a Citrix client. There are also applications that allow mobile access via Android, BlackBerry, and iOS. The server side of the terminal was originally developed using mostly the programming languagesFortran and C. Recent years have seen a transition towards C++ and embedded JavaScript on the clients and servers.[citation needed]

Each server machine runs multiple instances of the server process. Using a proprietary form of context-switching, the servers keep track of the state of each end user, allowing consecutive interactions from a single user to be handled by different server processes. The graphical user interface (GUI) code is also proprietary.


Michael Bloomberg's 1997 autobiography contains a chapter entitled Computers for Virgins, which explains the differences in the design of the terminal and its keyboard from the standard IBM PC keyboard layout that was popular at that time. The terminal's keyboard layout was designed for traders and market makers who had no prior computer experience. While the look and feel of the Bloomberg keyboard is very similar to the standard computer keyboard, there are several enhancements that help users navigate through the system, from the idea for a user-friendly system when originally designed in the early 1980s.

Keyboard keys are commonly referred to inside angle brackets with full commands being contained in curly brackets e.g., {VOD LN Equity <GO>}. The function keys names were replaced (from the technical name, e.g., F10) and the then standard beige color, opting for a memorable color and user-friendly name, Yellow. The F10 key is thus a Yellow key named <Index>. The Esc is coloured red and named <CANCEL> in the Bloomberg system, with the red to catch one's eye to stop a task. The Enter key is referred to as <GO> with a green color, deriving from the Monopoly game board, by passing Go and collecting $200 in a hope that the user could make money on the information he would find.[6]

The Bloomberg keyboard includes a unique <MENU> key which navigates back to the previous function used. If no previous commands are found, <MENU> displays a list of related functions. Similarly, the History key will populate the command-line with previously used functions in reverse chronological order, as the Up arrow key function does in certain command prompts.

The yellow hotkeys along the top of the keyboard are used to enter market sectors, and are generally used as suffixes to allow the terminal to correctly identify a security.

An early 2000s Bloomberg terminal keyboard
  • F2 GOVT – government securities (U.S. treasury and non-U.S.)
  • F3 CORP – corporate debt
  • F4 MTGE – mortgage securities
  • F5 M-Mkt – money market
  • F6 MUNI – municipal debt
  • F7 PFD – preferred shares
  • F8 EQUITY – equity shares
  • F9 COMDTY – commodity markets
  • F10 INDEX – indexes
  • F11 CURNCY – currency markets
  • F12 CLIENT/ALPHA – portfolio functionality

For example, if someone is interested in the Vodafone stock listed in the London market, one enters {VOD LN <Equity> <GO>} where VOD is the company's ticker symbol, LN is the venue code for London, and <Equity> is the market sector. A detailed option list related to Vodafone UK stock will pop up, the person can then choose different options by pressing related keys or using the mouse to select the option.

Similarly, {USDEUR <Curncy> <GO>} displays the U.S. dollar–Euroexchangespot rate.

Other common Bloomberg commands for Equity include:

  • {HP <GO>} – Historical Price – Display the detailed historical price of the currently loaded stock
  • {DVD <GO>} – Dividend / Split Summary of the currently loaded stock
  • {CACS <GO>} – Corporate Actions related to the currently loaded stock
  • {CN <GO>} – Company News – News related to the currently loaded stock

Thus, if someone interested in the Vodafone UK stock price, they can directly type in {VOD LN <Equity> HP <GO>}.

The Bloomberg keyboard has traditionally been heavier and sturdier than standard keyboards (a previous version, the SEA100 Bloomberg keyboard weighed around 3 kg) with 3mm key travel and 19mm key pitch; it also comes with built-in speakers for multimedia features. The SEA100 version has a built-in, 500 PPI, 0.26 sq inch biometric sensor for user login verification. The current Starboard (Keyboard 4) version is 1.08 kg and uses flatter, chiclet-style keys which are quieter and have less key travel than Freeboard (Keyboard 3) and prior.

Bloomberg keys on a US Windowskeyboard

Terminal and related products[edit]

Self-contained operating system running on custom hardware—commonly referred to as a Bloomberg Box[7]—the Bloomberg Terminal now functions as an application within the Windows environment. From a user's perspective, there are essentially 3 distinct levels to the system:

Core Terminal[edit]

Core Terminal refers to the original Bloomberg system; typically consisting of four windows, or Panels, each Panel contains a separate instance of the terminal command line. As the user enters tickers and functions, they can call up and display the real-time data of the market, with each different screen simultaneously running a program to analyze other tickers, functions, values and markets in real time. This use of multiple screens with user-demanded, specific pieces of differing data—across all relevant markets—allows the user to view diverse and countless volumes of information in real-time. Accessing market data, as it develops, allows the user to make trades and investments in all markets across the world, without having any lag in information. Users can run all four windows on a single monitor or spread them out amongst many monitors, maximizing the information shown on each, to effectually create up to four terminals.

In February 2012, Bloomberg LP publicly announced an upgrade to the Terminal called Bloomberg NEXT. The stated goals of this multi-year, $100 million project were to improve the discoverability and usability of the Core Terminal's functionality, making it easier and more intuitive to use.[8]


Bloomberg Per Security Service

Launchpad is a customizable display consisting of a number of smaller windows, called components, each dedicated to permanently displaying one set of data. A typical user would be a stockbroker who wishes to keep a list of 30 stocks visible at all times: Launchpad allows the user to create a small component which will show these prices constantly, saving the user from having to check each stock independently in the 4 terminal windows. To turn on Launchpad the command {BLP <GO>} is used, {PDFB<GO>} allows users to set Lpad to open automatically on login. Older keyboards had an <Lpad> key which replicated the {BLP<GO>} command. Other functions, such as email inboxes, calculation tools and news tickers can be similarly displayed. The Instant Bloomberg messaging/chat tool is a Launchpad component, as are the chat windows it creates. To launch a normal function from the Bloomberg Terminal's 4 Screens into launchpad type {LLP<GO>} from the target screen you wish to turn into a launchpad item.

Application programming interface[edit]

The Bloomberg Open API (BLPAPI) application programming interface (API) allows third-party applications, such as Microsoft Excel, to access Bloomberg data via the Terminal and Bloomberg's market data products. A user might wish to use Bloomberg data from the Terminal to create their own calculations; by accessing streaming, historical, and reference market data from another program, they can build these formulae. The Bloomberg Terminal installation ships with Excel add-ins which facilitate building spreadsheets which consume market data.[9] In addition, Bloomberg offers free BLPAPI SDKs allowing Bloomberg subscribers to build their own software which accesses market data in C, C++, Java, .NET, Perl, and Python, on Windows, Linux, macOS, and Solaris.[10]


The largest competitor to the Bloomberg terminal is Thomson Reuters with its Reuters 3000 Xtra system, which was replaced by Eikon platform in 2010, with Bloomberg and Thomson Reuters splitting 30% each of the market share in 2011. This was a major improvement for Bloomberg as the share in 2007 was Bloomberg's 26% to Reuters' 36%.

Other major competitors include Money.Net, the Infront Professional Terminal, SIX Financial Information, Morningstar Direct, Markit, Zacks Investment Research, Research Exchange, FactSet Research Systems, Capital IQ,, Advantage Data Inc, Fidessa, Cogencis, Dow Jones and Trading Economics. According to Burton-Taylor International Consulting,[11] the market for financial data and analytics was worth almost $25 billion as of 2011.

See also[edit]


  1. ^'Bloomberg Professional'. Bloomberg.
  2. ^Leca, Dominique. 'The Impossible Bloomberg Makeover'. UX.
  3. ^This is how much a Bloomberg terminal costs
  4. ^'Bloomberg company information'. Bloomberg. Retrieved October 13, 2016.
  5. ^'Inside the Bloomberg Machine'. Wall Street and Technology. Archived from the original on January 5, 2012. Retrieved October 27, 2011.
  6. ^Bloomberg by Bloomberg, Michael R. Bloomberg 1997
  7. ^Lowry, Tom (April 23, 2001). 'The Bloomberg Machine'. BusinessWeek. McGraw-Hill. Archived from the original on October 22, 2009. Retrieved October 23, 2009.
  8. ^Edgecliffe-Johnson, Andrew (February 27, 2012). 'Bloomberg to reveal data service redesign'. Financial Times. Retrieved April 15, 2012.
  9. ^'Bloomberg Software Support'. Bloomberg L.P. Retrieved May 20, 2012.
  10. ^'Open API'. Bloomberg L.P. Archived from the original on May 12, 2012. Retrieved May 20, 2012.
  11. ^Flamm, Matthew (February 23, 2012). 'Bloomberg LP beats Thomson Reuters'. Crain's New York Business. Retrieved April 15, 2012.

External links[edit]

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Bloomberg Terminal.
  • Official website Bloomberg Professional Services
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