Bitmap To Vector Artcam 2008

  1. Convert Bitmap To Vector Illustrator
  2. Vector Image Vs Bitmap

Select this menu option to create a vector boundary around areas of the currently active bitmap layer shown in the current primary colour; as well as any other areas in colours currently linked to the primary colour. The Bitmap to Vector panel is displayed.


I am running ArtCAM Insignia using their v-bit option, selecting a 90 degree bit that cuts a maximum of 0.188 inches and a maximum width., 06:21 PM. It does much better than any other raster to vector converter I've used. See how the functionality in ArtCAM JewelSmith allows you to add height to imported Bitmap images and work directly within the 3D view. For more information.

Note: The Bitmap to Vector button on the Vector and Vector Creation toolbars is a shortcut for this menu option.
Change bitmap to vector image

When converting bitmap artwork, the resulting vectors follow the pixelated outline of the colours. You can smooth these vectors by replacing their linear spans with Bézier curves.

The Bitmap to Vector panel contains the following settings:

Convert Bitmap To Vector Illustrator

  • Reduce Colours — Click to display the Reduce Colours dialog. This dialog enables you to reduce the number of colours in the bitmap.
  • Create boundary — Select to create a vector boundary around the selected colour.
  • Create centreline — Select to create centreline vectors in the selected colour.
    • Tolerance — Enter the tolerance you want to use. This controls how closely the spans in the resulting vectors follow the bitmap artwork's pixelated outline
    • Disconnected open vectors — Select to create centrelines using open vectors.
    • Closed vector loops — Select to create centrelines using closed vectors.
  • Speckle size — Enter the minimum interior pixel area around which you want a vector boundary to be created.
  • Smoothness — Specify how sharp or curved you want the vector artwork to be. Low values create straighter vectors, high values create smoother vectors.
  • Colour — Select whether vectors are created around the primary or secondary colour.
  • Create Vectors — Click to create vectors around the selected colour.

Vector Image Vs Bitmap

See also