Burning Xbox 360 Games Xgd2

BurningBurning Xbox 360 Games Xgd2 well ive written this script to help burning xbox 360 backups but am having trouble

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Burn Xbox 360

#!/bin/sh -f
echo 'This script will help you burn Xbox 360 games with no hassle'
echo 'This script requires growisofs to as a prerequisite'
echo ' 1 = XGD2 and 2 = XGD3'
echo 'Usage: burning.sh <1/2> <gameisoname> <dvddrive> <speed> '
if $0 -eq 1
growisofs -use-the-force-luke=dao -use-the-force-luke=break:1913760 -dvd-compat -speed=$3 -Z /dev/$2=$1
if $0 -eq 2
truncate --size=8547991552 $1
growisofs -use-the-force-luke=dao -use-the-force-luke=break:2086912 -dvd-compat -speed=$3 -Z /dev/$2=$2
echo 'Burning Complete'

Burning Xbox 360 Games With Imgburn

the scripts repeats the echo commands again and again and again and I have no idea how to stop it